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Call for Applications

PhD Student Mentoring Program | Call for application

Program goal
The PhD Student Mentoring Program aims at helping the students attending the Cluster conference to build a better scientific career. A group of events specifically targeted to this Program will take place throughout the conference, including a Master Class on poster design and presentation, a public poster session with the participants' posters, various panels with senior researchers on career planning, industry research careers, etc. In addition, we will organize a series of courses on selected hot topics to introduce the PhD students with the new and important research areas relevant to the conference theme. The PhD Student Mentoring Program will be scheduled so that the participating students can follow all the main scientific and social events of the conference.

Application document
Please submit a plain PDF document, formatted in the Cluster conference proceeding style, through the EasyChair submission Web site, using the PhD Student Mentoring Track.

This document should provide a 2-page description of your research achievements and plans. It should include the following:
  • Name and affiliation of the student, name and affiliation of the adviser, number of years already spent in the PhD program (including the current one)
  • Short bio, with an indication of the degree you are currently pursuing (PhD, MS, etc.)
  • Motivation to attend the PhD Student Mentoring Program (typically 0.3 to 0.5 pages.)
  • Description of your current research activities and plans: PhD proposal, recent contributions, future plans, etc., to serve as the basis for your poster (typically 1 to 1.5 pages.)
All 2-page submissions will be reviewed for consistency and presentation by the Program Committee, with a friendly feedback returned to the students if necessary. The objective is to host as many motivated students as possible in the Program. Note that there is not scientific endorsement of the scientific contents by the conference, so that this application cannot be considered as a scientific publication.

The participating students commit to prepare a poster for the conference, based on the description of their research vision provided in this document.

Note that all IEEE member students attending the PhD Student Mentoring Program can benefit from the "Bring your student with you!" reduced group registration rate if they are attending together with their IEEE member supervisors. 
Adviser endorsement
All applications should be joined with an official endorsement letter of the senior adviser mentioning the current enrollment program and the number of years spent in this program (including the current one). An example wording is available below. It should also specify that the student will bring and present a poster introducing his/her current research activities and vision.

This letter should be provided as an attached PDF document, to be uploaded at the bottom of the submission form, together with the main paper document.

An example of statement for the endorsement letter
I, undersigned NN, position, affiliation, certifies that MM has been enrolled in the XX Program for DD years under my supervision/responsibility. I endorse his/her application to the Cluster 2014 PhD Student Mentoring Program and will provide him/her with all necessary support to attend the conference. I understand that he/she will bring and present a poster at the poster session organized within the Program.

Submission deadlines
Applications will be reviewed on a first-come-first-served basis according to the following schedule:

Application submission date (by 6pm GMT+2)  Notification date
Thursday, July 17  Monday, July 21
Thursday, July 24  Monday, July 28
Thursday, July 31  Monday, August 4
Thursday, August 14  Monday, August 18
Thursday, August 28  Monday, September 1

NSF Traveling Grants (PhD students from US institutions)
The Cluster conference will do its best to facilitate student participation in the PhD Student Mentoring Program. NSF kindly agreed to provide a limited number of traveling grants to students participating to PhD Student Mentoring Program. By the NSF regulation, this program is only open to students registered in US institutions for academic year 2013-2014 or 2014-2015.

To apply to this funding, please tick the adequate box at the bottom of the submission form.

Please, note that an application will be considered only if:
  1. It is explicitly supported in the adviser endorsement letter.
  2. A scan copy of your student card for academic year 2013-2014 or 2014-2015 is joined with this endorsement letter in the same PDF document.
This NSF Traveling Grant can be freely cumulated with the "Bring your student with you!" reduced group registration rate.