Call for Tutorials ● Cluster 2025
Experts in cluster computing are invited to share their expertise with the community by submitting proposals for tutorials to be co-located with the Cluster 2025 conference that will be held on September 2 - 5, 2025 in Edinburgh, United Kingdom. The Cluster 2025 tutorials program will give attendees in depth instruction on a broad range of topics on the design of clusters and related technologies and on effectively managing or using cluster resources and services.
Topic Categories
Topic Categories of interest include but are not limited to the following:
- Cluster node and system hardware;
- Cluster/distributed operating and runtime systems;
- Parallel programming models, languages, runtimes, and environments;
- Performance evaluation, analysis, and optimization;
- Fault-tolerance, resilience, reliability, and high availability;
- Data management and distributed and parallel file systems;
- Visualization, data analytics, and workflows;
- Cluster management tools including resource management;
- Power management, energy, and cooling;
- High-performance networks and communication systems;
- Clouds and distributed systems;
- Cluster and Quantum computing;
- Combining and enabling unique workloads (e.g. concurrent machine learning, data-centric computing, and compute-heavy applications)
- Cybersecurity
Submission Guidelines
Proposals are limited to a three-page description that should include the following:
- A title, an abstract (400 words maximum), and a Tutorial Description(pdf);
- The Tutorial Description includes:
- Discussion of the topic’s relevance;
- Goals and any demonstrations or exercises, including a description of the equipment that presenters will provide for these exercises;
- A description of the target audience;
- Prerequisite background and content level;
- An indication of duration: either half day or full day;
- If applicable, details on when/where the tutorial has been presented before, including attendance numbers.
- If applicable, details about the hands-on session
In addition to the three-page description, please include the following:
- A slide deck from a recent tutorial (if one exists), or a draft slide deck, or an URL of a recent similar tutorial
- A brief biographical sketch of each presenter (two pages maximum per presenter).
A single PDF file with all the material described above should be submitted to the Cluster 2025 conference under the tutorial track. Acceptance of a proposed tutorial will be made based on the quality, content, diversity, and organization, and its relationship to key topic areas when compared with other submissions.
Also, please keep in mind the following:
- Tutors or lecturers must be on site
- Network connections on site will be through Wifi and this is provided as a best effort service
- If you are planning hands-on sessions, the hands-on contents must not require high bandwidth
Important Dates
- Tutorial proposals due: April 18th, 2025
- Tutorial acceptance notification: April 25th, 2025
- Tutorials held: September 2nd, 2025
- All deadlines are Anywhere on Earth (AoE)
Workshop Chair
- Michael Kruse, AMD