
Student Mentoring Program

IMPORTANT: Applications will be reviewed starting June 30, 2017. Advisor’s endorsements will be requested once the review process has started. Notifications will be sent starting August 6, 2017.

Why a Mentoring Program at IEEE Cluster 2017?

The Mentoring Program at IEEE Cluster 2017 is a program for PhD, Master, and Undergraduate students that wants to help students building their scientific career as efficiently as possible. The scientific presentations and interactions with conference attendees help them develop their technical skills. The Student Mentoring Program complements and extends this development by fostering the integration of the students into the Cluster scientific community, advising them to plan their professional career in academia or industry, improving their scientific communication skills, and providing them with the right entry points for an efficient networking.

Students enrolled full time in a graduate or undergraduate program in USA institutions, if selected for this student program, are eligible for travel awards from the National Science Foundation.

Applying to the Mentoring Program

The Student Mentoring Program is not just another publication venue. All interested students can apply through a simple, non-competitive process, by providing a short description of why they want to participate in the conference, the name of their advisor, and their CV. The student’s adviser should endorse the student’s application and will be contacted once the application is submitted.

Student travel awards - for students at U.S. institutions

Several travel awards are sponsored by the National Science Foundation for students enrolled in US institutions and participating in the Student Mentoring Program at the IEEE Cluster 2017 conference. Students with accepted papers in the main conference track or in workshops, or students with posters must apply to and participate in the Student Mentoring Program to be eligible for the travel award. Notice of travel awards will be made prior to the conference. The travel awards will be distributed post-conference in the form of reimbursements against actual travel, registration, and accommodation expenses submitted by the student. Both graduate and undergraduate students can apply.

Submission Guidelines

Please submit your application via the EasyChair submission system.

Important Dates

Applications will be reviewed starting June 30, 2017.

Travel awards for students in USA institutions in the amount of up to $1,000 will be assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis until completion of the available funding.

We will accept applications for the student mentoring program with NSF travel support (when applicable) until August 1st (deadline for early registration). Applications submitted after Aug 1st will be still considered for the student mentoring program but will not be considered for travel support.

Student Mentoring Chair:

  • Kenneth Kent, University of New Brunswick (Canada)
  • Student Travel Award Chair:

  • Michela Taufer University of Delaware (USA)